Solve problems through technology.

Our synapses connect neurons and people to find opportunities in today’s challenges to devise tomorrow.

We are TecSinapse

We delight through technology to help people and businesses reach their full potential.

Our working fronts

Client service and relationship automation.
Educational technology
Playful computational thinking learning.

Our vision of innovation

We believe in creating to generate solutions.

We encourage idea generation in a creative environment that allows new solutions development and enhancement through experimentation and technological combination.

We work with research and development in partnership with Universities and Technology Centers, establishing knowledge elevation and innovation with results.

IME - Instituto de Matemática e Estatística
Université de Lyon

Technologies that we work with

Computer vision
Computer vision
Artificial intelligence
Artificial intelligence
Combinatorial optimization
Combinatorial optimization
Data science
Data science

Tell us about your challenge

We are willing to help you solve problems. We have no barriers, only goals. Come with us!

Our addresses
São Paulo/SP - (11) 5095-3418
Av. Dr. Chucri Zaidan, 296 – Torre Z - 23º andar - Brooklin Novo
São Paulo - SP - CEP: 04.583-110
Campo Grande/MS - (67) 3047-1387
Av. Afonso Pena, 5723 - Edifício Evolution Business Center - Sala 1504 - Royal Park
Campo Grande - MS - CEP: 79.031-010
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