Meet our Applied Research Squad

We are an experienced multidisciplinary team in Applied Research with competence in Business, Technology and Computing.

Our goal:
Solve problems of high computational complexity or large amounts of data.

With active participation in product development, we ensure results for your projects.

We operate across all phases of a research project in a self-sufficient manner, from business modeling to the development and validation of mathematical models and algorithms, also achieving integration with information systems.

How we work

Sizing Phase
Initial meetings to understand the business problem and size the squad’s profile for service.
Implementation Phase
Dedicated squad, regular follow-up meetings, monthly results report.
Delivery Phase
Reports with mathematical models, developed prototypes, and an integrated system in accordance with the project.

Our Delivery

Specialized Consulting

Understanding the business problem, seeking the mathematical modeling of the problem (business analysis) Understanding the business problem, seeking the mathematical modeling of the problem (business analysis)

Exploratory analysis of available data and information Exploratory analysis of available data and information

Mathematical modeling of the business problem (business fit mathematical modelling) Mathematical modeling of the business problem (business fit mathematical modelling)

Solution development

Experimentation to select the best algorithms/solution approach Experimentation to select the best algorithms/solution approach

Prototyping and validation Prototyping and validation

Information system integrated to the business that delivers the result of the developed algorithms Information system integrated to the business that delivers the result of the developed algorithms


Data Science
Data Science

Exploratory analysis and data diagnosis with a business perspective

Generation of predictive and prescriptive models for stock optimization

Machine Learning
Machine Learning

Supervised, unsupervised and reinforcement learning

Deep Learning


Computer Vision

Combinatorial Optimization
Combinatorial Optimization

Modeling constraints for market solvers

High performance techniques for result optimization

Computational Biology
Computational Biology

Algorithms for metabolic networks

Genomics and new generation sequence

Success stories & Cases

Success stories Cases

Classification and recommendation algorithms
Project that allows automatic portfolio analysis through the evaluation of a client’s purchasing behavior and patterns to indicate products to be offered according to their profile, as well as the indication of clients for a certain product in the context of promotional campaigns.
Outliers – Discrepancy Identification Algorithm
Algorithm that automatically identifies unexpected values to identify errors or situations to be better analyzed for business decision making from historical data (e.g. monthly financial statements).
Optimization of vehicle distribution
Development of an algorithm to optimize the distribution of produced vehicles, attending all requests from dealerships and guaranteeing their satisfaction with their share. In partnership with IME/USP.
Vehicle Routing and Automatic Route Setting
Algorithm for optimizing visit routes and product delivery, considering specific variables such as global distance minimization, return to starting point, time restriction, limitation on maximum distance to be traveled, toll minimization, among others.

Partnerships with several national and international research institutes of excellence

IME - Instituto de Matemática e Estatística
Université de Lyon

Tell us about your challenges! We want to help solve them.

We are willing to help you solve problems. We have no barriers, only goals. Come with us!

Our addresses
São Paulo/SP - (11) 5095-3418
Av. Dr. Chucri Zaidan, 296 – Torre Z - 23º andar - Brooklin Novo
São Paulo - SP - CEP: 04.583-110
Campo Grande/MS - (67) 3047-1387
Av. Afonso Pena, 5723 - Edifício Evolution Business Center - Sala 1504 - Royal Park
Campo Grande - MS - CEP: 79.031-010
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